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The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy is the ONLY Nationally Accredited Program that is dedicated to continuous review of the latest scientific findings and research to keep practitioners current and informed in all aspects of the science that enhances and permeates this modality.

The Nationally Accredited Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy addresses ALL energy systems:

The Chakras

The Nadis

The Biofields

The Meridians

The Electrics

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The Alexander Method® is also the ONLY program in the natural healing arts that incorporates the entirety of the human existence. Other programs may address one or two of the proven energy systems of human form.

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Certified practitioners of The Alexander Method® use the root teachings of tuning forks while also incorporating the latest, most cutting-edge findings in vibrational and sound therapies.

Working in harmony with the ancient techniques that have proven effective for centuries, certified practitioners are given the latest science in the intricate workings of the human body, including research in the areas of the nervous, glandular, cognitive, and vascular systems that can be affected and transformed by sound and vibration.

Assisting every area of the body, mind, soul, and spirit affects issues on ALL levels of being, opening intuitive abilities in client and practitioner alike.

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Learn more from the students themselves!

Hear what three of our Advanced Skills Practitioners have said about their Alexander Method® experience!

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The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy requires the Solfeggio Seven Set of crystal tipped Tuning Forks and the Sacred Ohm. All forks are made in the U.S.A. and are medical grade aluminum alloy, an investment that should last a lifetime.

The Solfeggio Seven Set includes:

UT 396 Hz

RE 417 Hz

MI 528 Hz

FA 639 Hz

SOL 741 Hz

LA 852 Hz

SI 963 Hz

Get Forked® Puck

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The Alexander Method® Tuning Forks are NOT included in the course.

WHY? Simply because many clients and students alike have already purchased them for the Self-Tuning Course. These forks however will carry you through all THREE levels of the Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy courses.

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The transformational benefits of The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy are far reaching, for client and practitioner alike. Here are but a few:

Release of stress

A deep state of relaxation

Reduction of depression, anxiety, and panic

Reduction of addictions

Reduction of perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms

Increase in physical energy level

Improved mental concentration and clarity

Sounder sleep and more vivid dream experience

Reduction of arthritis, back, and other chronic pain

Development and refining of sonic, intuitive, and clairvoyant ability

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“There are only three certified tuning fork therapies out there and I am certified in all three. I found Lisa’s program last because I finally heard about it through the grapevine and then heard her speak at an expo. I can tell you that I wish I had taken her program first, because hers is the best! The others are old and outdated, Lisa’s is new, fresh and cutting edge. She has a constant pulse on the newest research and never stops learning and innovating. The other existing programs are like grade school and maybe high school, where The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy is like college, Graduate School, and at level 3, you're going for your PhD in sound therapy”

– Linda M.

From Lisa Alexander

My first personal experience with sound therapy was so profound, I knew immediately that I had to pursue this to its fullest extent. I began studying all of the sound therapy modalities currently available. Finding none of them complete, I decided to take advantage of the fact that I only lived two (2) hours from New York City and 90 minutes from Philadelphia. This allowed me to study in person under some of the most renowned PhDs in acoustical science at both Columbia University and University of Pennsylvania.

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After working with sound therapies for some time, I began to collect immediate feedback as well as longer-term outcomes from my clients. Knowing my own teachers were supportive of my progress and finally being completely open to my ultimate purpose, I removed any lingering barriers in my role and allowed my personal method of healing to take shape.

Specifically, in my research I found that the key to clearing blockages, and balancing, aligning and connecting all the chakras, as well as the bio-fields, is the use of specific frequencies and vibrations, used in a consistent and proven technique that implements simple mathematical principles that align the universal energy.

I studied other vibrational attunements I could add to my sessions to make them even better. As a Certified Intuitive, I started to allow my work to be divinely or intuitively guided by “tuning” into the metaphysical world. The augmented methods and frequencies that I received intuitively, were subsequently confirmed through pre-existing, published scientific research. By communicating with my guides and angels, or those of my clients, I now get a better understanding of where their issue is coming from and how best to serve them in releasing the energy blockages and allowing healing to begin.

Soon I found that I had augmented my original training to include a far more comprehensive and energetically powerful program that in many cases creates instant healing for my clients.

“I valued my sessions with Lisa so much that I became a practitioner. I am well studied in a few modalities and I found the tuning forks added an entirely new level of healing by bringing in higher frequencies. I have resolved many underlying issues while lying on the table. As a practitioner I can also say the same for my clients. Lisa has a great depth of knowledge and is an awesome teacher!”

Linda Keating, New Jersey

If you have had a profound life change through your experience with sound therapy, vibrational healing and/or personal sessions of The Alexander Method® and are feeling called to share this opportunity with others, become a certified Alexander Method® Practitioner TODAY!

The Alexander Method® (TAM) Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy: Foundational Skills is an interactive, intense, learn at your own pace, online program with LIVE online & in-person support classes that you can't learn anywhere else!

The Online Self-Paced Modules includes:

Detailed, full color 138-page manual

Introduction to Quantum Metaphysics

History of Sound and Sound Therapy

Medical and Modern Uses of Sound Therapy

Theories of Einstein and Tesla

How Sound Reduces Stress and Dis-ease

Basic Music Theory and Musical Math

The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies

How the Tuning Forks are used on the Energy Body

The Human Energy System

Seven Chakras

Case Studies

The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Therapy Technique

Hands on Practice using the Technique

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The LIVE Support Classes include:

Bi-weekly online group Q&A

Private coaching

In-Person weekend intense hands-on technique training (Currently once a year in Pennsylvania)

Upon completion of Foundational Skills, you will be ready to:

Open blocks

Clear, align and connect the chakras system with the physical and etheric level

Use The Alexander Method® (TAM) for personal healing

Upon successful testing, you will be certified at Foundational Skills and can therefore use the technique in your professional practice.

“Lisa Alexander teaches not only with outstanding information, but with love, care, compassion, patience, and never-ending support for all of her students, practitioners, and clients.”

Larry Furtsch , Four Winds Shamanic Practitioner and Instructor
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