Welcome to the Alexander Method® of Vibrational Facelift

We all want to look our very best. But we also want to do that as natural and healthy as possible. The Alexander Method® Vibrational Facelift certainly isn't going to give you a facelift. Nothing but a skilled surgeon's hands will do that.

It will tone your skin and surface muscles with the vibration of the tuning forks.

We can bring a higher vibrational look and glow to our face by using a specific natural technique that targets the supporting structures on and underneath our skin, following the same muscles and points that aestheticians and cosmetic doctors use.

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The course includes:

A downloadable booklet

Several instructional videos


You can purchase the medical grade 128Hz tuning fork, if you don't already have one.

128 cps fork

If you would like to purchase the Shaklee YOUTH skincare we recommend...

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Contact Information

Gifting Options


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How to get started with Tuning Forks for a Sound Therapy copy

A quick start guide for tuning forks written by the founder and creator of The Alexander Method®. 
[[500 | currency]] [[700 | currency]]

Archangels & Ascended Masters Ebook

Learn about these light beings that make up your spiritual team and how you can connect with them.
[[900 | currency]] [[1100 | currency]]
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