Would you like my secret of how I quickly developed and opened up my clairvoyant abilities?

Would you like to know the secret hack of how I:

Raised my vibrations quickly and easily

Healed years of back pain from a car accident

Started to see angels with my physical eyes

Astral Travel and had out-of-body experiences?

Have you tried all the Law of Attraction stuff, affirmations, positive thinking, but are still not getting the results you desire?

Yep, that was me, until I discovered this secret hack that almost instantly got me where I needed to be.

If you ever had a private session with me or one of my Certified Practitioners of The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy, then you may have experienced what I’m talking about.

But what if you don't have access to one of us?

If you are familiar with The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy then you know how powerful it is!

However, you may not have the time, or investment to go through this very thorough and intense training program, or simply have no desire to become a healer or therapist.

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For years people have been asking me for something short and simple that they can do at home to help them ignite their clairvoyant abilities, as well as potentially heal.

The Alexander Method® Self Vibrational Tuning Home-Study Course shows you exactly what I did when I first came across these frequencies and the tuning forks that:

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Healed my physical body

Lifted my depression

Sent me out of body to explore new realms of existence

My third eye and clairvoyant abilities quickly strengthened, and there was no turning back!

These frequencies used in The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy program and this Self-Vibrational Tuning are known to bring:

Release of stress

A deep state of relaxation

Reduction of depression, anxiety, and panic

Reduction of addictions

Reduction of perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms

Increase in physical energy level

Improved mental concentration and clarity

Sounder sleep and more vivid dream experience

Reduction of arthritis, back, and other chronic pain

Development and refining of sonic, intuitive, and clairvoyant ability

This is NOT the Cerification Therapy Program

Now please understand that this is not the certification therapy program. You will NOT be learning any of the techniques that my therapists learn. But you will be learning the simple techniques and sequencing that I was able to use on myself when I first started to develop my program that gave me almost instantaneous results.

Once I was able to open my clairvoyant pathways, through this simple technique, my spirit guides came through to help me explore and learn the modality that eventually became known as The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy.

I’ve held on to some of these secrets for a decade. NOW is the time to release them to the public, to those open to this type of consciousness expansion.

The World is Shifting!

The world is shifting and changing so fast it’s hard to keep up, isn’t it? We all want to raise our vibrations, but we don’t have time for years of meditations, affirmations, positive thinking, and more that really don’t work all that well. Let’s face it, there’s always something that gets in the way!

This program is a simple hack that you can do anytime OR anywhere if you have the proper tuning forks.

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Please note that this course is an educational program ONLY. The forks are sold separately, and that’s simply because a lot of my clients and students already own these forks.

In this self-study course you’re going to learn about:

These special frequencies

What they are

Where they came from

How they can help you AND

How to specifically use these frequencies to help clear your chakras and raise your vibrations

In a full treatment session through The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy program, we also clear and raise your kundalini energy and clear several other energy pathways in your physical and energetic being.

This simple home study program will not exactly do that; however, you may have some of those effects; it depends on the individual. For a deeper clearing you will need to take the actual accredited The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy Program or visit our Find A Practitioner Page to find one close to you.

This special self-tuning program is where I started all of that, and this is where you too can start to:

Raise your vibrations

Open up your clairvoyant abilities

Heal yourself

All in the comfort of your own home!

Hopefully you’ll enjoy this so much that you’ll decide to learn the entire therapy program and be able to do even more for yourself, your friends, or even to become a practitioner and earn money while helping others.

It is temping to describe the profound effects of the Alexander method as "supernatural"...but far from being something outside of nature, it is intranatural; revealing the true nature of our being and giving us access to healing at the deepest level.

Mary McIntyre, Master Practitioner of The Alexander Method®
Mary McIntyre
Master Practitioner of The Alexander Method®



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How to get started with Tuning Forks for a Sound Therapy eBook

A quick start guide for tuning forks written by the founder and creator of The Alexander Method®. 
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Archangels & Ascended Masters eBook

Learn about these light beings that make up your spiritual team and how you can connect with them.
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Vibrational Facelift

Bring vibrancy and tone to your face naturally with this simple easy to learn technique. 
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